Music Production
Master’s Courses

why choose
dBs Tutors perform with modular synths
dBs tutor teaching a class in our SSL room at our Bristol campus
Student works remotely on a laptop

Whether your goal is to refine your skills in music production, delve into game sound or pioneer new audio technologies, our postgraduate degrees are designed to help you advance your professional career. Learn under industry experts, work on cutting-edge projects and join a community that's pushing the boundaries of sound. Our Master's degrees will expand your expertise and equip you with the toolkit to build sustainable revenue streams in your specialised field.

Which Master’s Course should I choose?

Music & Sound Master’s Degrees

Three dBs tutors creating a live performance using Eurorack synthesisers

MA Electronic Music Production

MA Electronic Music Production Master’s is perfect for recent graduates of music production or music tech degrees, or electronic musicians with relevant experience to qualify for the course. During the degree programme, you will craft boundary-pushing music and learn concepts that will enable you to increase your artistic output and earn a living from your skills.

MA available on campus and online.
dBs tutor Kris Burton demonstrating some mixing techniques using the SSL Duality Delta

MA Music Production & Sound Engineering

Studying our Music Production & Sound Engineering Master’s, gives you an advanced understanding of mixing and mastering processes. You’ll also learn how to make a living from your expertise and create an original major project on a specific area of music production.

MA available on campus and online.
A woman sets up her live setup at the Electronic Music Weekender festival in Plymouth

MA Innovation in Sound

MA Innovation in Sound is a postgraduate degree that spans music, sound and technology. This MA allows you to explore the full potential of your creativity and tailor the course to suit your creative and career goals. Working collaboratively alongside academics and industry professionals, you’ll have the opportunity to make a real-world impact on the creative industries.

MA available on campus only.

Game Sound Master’s Degrees

Someone writing code

MA Game Sound

Master audio production, design and implementation for video games in our MA Game Sound postgraduate degree. ​​During your studies, you will develop production techniques and technical skills to excel in the specialised field of game sound. By the end of your Master’s, you will have produced a creative portfolio of game audio, sound design and interactive audio work to help you find a career in the game audio industry.

MA available on campus.

Frequently Ask Questions